Inspired by the young people who have been on the frontlines of social movements throughout history.

About Us

Throughout history, young people and students have been on the frontlines of movements for social progress. This organization aims to prepare young leaders to make impactful changes.

By establishing programs in high schools, universities, libraries, and nonprofits, Students for Change hopes to make oportunities in civic and community engagement more accessible to the youth. Members of each chapter will have the tools to learn effective advocacy techniques, create important connections, and establish local projects. The nonprofit will provide mentorship, project guidelines, and funding opportunities for chapters to create meaningful change in their community.


To provide educational resources and leadership opportunities for students who are inspired to lead civic and community engagement efforts


We envision a world in which all students are empowered to lead in creating positive social change


Active Citizenship: We value opportunities to practice advocacy and political freedoms

Diverse Perspectives: We are committed to providing equitable and inclusive programs within safe environments

Scientific & Historical Integrity: We honor the problem-solving process by using fact-based information in decision making

Respectful Communication: We recognize diverse perspectives of others when recommending new ideas

Sustainable Solutions: We pursue long-term resolutions that create positive change


Local chapters offer programming to local youth to learn more about the public and social sectors, and how to become effective advocates. The national organization would primarily offer support to the local chapters and student leaders in project development, networking and funding. The national organization would also provide leadership guidelines, training, advocacy resources, and collaborative online events through the website. Each program offered would fall under the organization’s three core areas: Examine Facts, Engage in Discussion, and Execute Action

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