Looking for Dedicated Leaders & Passionate Investors

Help Us Launch

Students for Change (SFC) is working to develop programs for young people who want to create meaningful change. We are looking for insight from students, educators and youth program advisors who are active in their community. With your unique perspective, SFC can provide programs that are most beneficial to you. This survey should take 5 – 10 minutes to complete. Please provide insight about the organization or effort in which you are most active. Feel free to share this survey. We appreciate you taking the time to provide your valuable insight.


Provide your unique perspective

Become A Partner

The programs offered by Students for Change have been proven valuable by young participants, youth advisors, and school administrators. In order to offer our full program to students around the world we need passionate partners to invest in our operation. Partners who invest today will be critical in helping us pursue our first ever strategic plan.

We are looking for nonprofits, businesses, foundations and individuals, who are willing to support the development of our start-up. To discuss the possibilities, please click the link below and schedule a meeting with the Executive Director.

Make A Donation

Students for Change is a start-up nonprofit organization that empowers young people to create social change. In order to provide our meaningful programs, we rely on the generosity of donors.

As we approach our formal launch, we are searching for investors who believe in our programs and the power of the youth. From capital contributions to smaller donations, your support can ensure the success of this organization.

Help us launch Students for Change and donate today.

Join Our Team

Do you want to empower the next generation to make a difference? We are looking for dedicated and active volunteers to implement strategic initiatives and establish our internal procedures.

We are looking for individuals with skills in Organizational Operations, Human Resources, Planning, Finance, Community Relations, and Marketing. We also welcome those with experience in Volunteer Management, Advocacy, Education and Youth Development.

Help us launch this organization.

Join The Team!